API Documentation

Often there’s a desire to interact with Azkaban without having to use the web UI. Azkaban has some exposed ajax calls accessible through curl or some other HTTP request clients. All API calls require a proper authentication first.
Azkaban assumes the following request header in servlet’s isAjaxCall(HttpServletRequest request) method:
Content-Type:     application/x-www-form-urlencoded
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest

However, currently for most of the APIs in this version, it is not checking the request header. Many APIs still treat a request as an ajax call if request simply contains the parameter ajax. Or even, several APIs are implicitly assuming it is an ajax call even without this keyword. For ease of use though, it is recommended to always keep the correct request header.


  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /?action=login
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

This API helps authenticate a user and provides a session.id in response.

Once a session.id has been returned, until the session expires, this id can be used to do any API requests with a proper permission granted. A session expires if you log out, change machines, browsers or locations, if Azkaban is restarted, or if the session expires. The default session timeout is 24 hours (one day). You can re-login whether the session has expired or not. For the same user, a new session will always override the old one.

Importantly, session.id should be provided for almost all API calls (other than authentication). session.id can be simply appended as one of the request parameters, or set via the cookie: azkaban.browser.session.id. The two HTTP requests below are equivalent:

# a) Provide session.id parameter directly
curl -k --get --data "session.id=bca1d75d-6bae-4163-a5b0-378a7d7b5a91&ajax=fetchflowgraph&project=azkaban-test-project&flow=test" https://localhost:8443/manager

# b) Provide azkaban.browser.session.id cookie
curl -k --get -b "azkaban.browser.session.id=bca1d75d-6bae-4163-a5b0-378a7d7b5a91" --data "ajax=fetchflowgraph&project=azkaban-test-project&flow=test" https://localhost:8443/manager

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
action=login The fixed parameter indicating the login action.
username The Azkaban username.
password The corresponding password.

Response Object

Parameter Description
error Return an error message if the login attempt fails.
session.id Return a session id if the login attempt succeeds.

A sample call via curl:

curl -k -X POST --data "action=login&username=azkaban&password=azkaban" https://localhost:8443

A sample response:

  "status" : "success",
  "session.id" : "c001aba5-a90f-4daf-8f11-62330d034c0a"

Create a Project

The ajax API for creating a new project.
Notice: before uploading any project zip files, the project should be created first via this API.
  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /manager?action=create
  • Parameter Location: Request Query

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
action=create The fixed parameter indicating the create project action.
name The project name to be uploaded.
description The description for the project. This field cannot be empty.

Response Object 1. (if the request succeeds):

Parameter Description
status The status of the creation attempt.
path The url path to redirect
action The action that is suggested for the frontend to execute. (This is designed for the usage of the Azkaban frontend javascripts, external users can ignore this field.)

Response Object 2. (if the request fails):

Parameter Description
message The error message.
error The error name.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k -X POST --data "session.id=9089beb2-576d-47e3-b040-86dbdc7f523e&name=aaaa&description=11" https://localhost:8443/manager?action=create

A sample response:


Delete a Project

The ajax API for deleting an existing project.
Notice: Currently no response message will be returned after finishing the delete operation.
  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?delete=true
  • Parameter Location: Request Query

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
delete=true The fixed parameter to indicate the deleting project action.
project The project name to be deleted.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "session.id=bca1d75d-6bae-4163-a5b0-378a7d7b5a91&delete=true&project=test-delete-project" https://localhost:8443/manager

Upload a Project Zip

The ajax call to upload a project zip file. The zip file structure should follow the requirements described in Upload Projects.
Notice: This API should be called after a project is successfully created.
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: multipart/mixed
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=upload
  • Parameter Location: Request Body

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=upload The fixed parameter to the upload action.
project The project name to be uploaded.
file The project zip file. The type should be set as application/zip or application/x-zip-compressed.

Response Object

Parameter Description
error The error message if the upload attempt fails.
projectId The numerical id of the project
version The version number of the upload

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k -i -X POST --form 'session.id=e7a29776-5783-49d7-afa0-b0e688096b5e' --form 'ajax=upload' --form 'file=@myproject.zip;type=application/zip' --form 'project=MyProject' https://localhost:8443/manager

A response sample:

  "error" : "Installation Failed.\nError unzipping file.",
  "projectId" : "192",
  "version" : "1"

Fetch Flows of a Project

Given a project name, this API call fetches all flow ids of that project.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=fetchprojectflows
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=fetchprojectflows The fixed parameter indicating the fetchProjectFlows action.
project The project name to be fetched.

Response Object

Parameter Description
project The project name.
projectId The numerical id of the project.
flows A list of flow ids. Example values: [{“flowId”: “aaa”}, {“flowId”: “bbb”}]

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "session.id=6c96e7d8-4df5-470d-88fe-259392c09eea&ajax=fetchprojectflows&project=azkaban-test-project" https://localhost:8443/manager

A response sample:

  "project" : "test-azkaban",
  "projectId" : 192,
  "flows" : [ {
    "flowId" : "test"
  }, {
    "flowId" : "test2"
  } ]

Fetch Jobs of a Flow

For a given project and a flow id, this API call fetches all the jobs that belong to this flow. It also returns the corresponding graph structure of those jobs.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=fetchflowgraph
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=fetchflowgraph The fixed parameter indicating the fetchProjectFlows action.
project The project name to be fetched.
flow The project id to be fetched.

Response Object

Parameter Description
project The project name.
projectId The numerical id of the project.
flow The flow id fetched.

A list of job nodes belonging to this flow. Structure:

  "id": "job.id"
  "type": "job.type"
  "in": ["job.ids that this job
  is directly depending upon.
  Indirect ancestors are not
  included in this list"]

Example values: [{“id”: “first_job”, “type”: “java”}, {“id”: “second_job”, “type”: “command”, “in”:[“first_job”]}]

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "session.id=bca1d75d-6bae-4163-a5b0-378a7d7b5a91&ajax=fetchflowgraph&project=texter-1-1&flow=test" https://localhost:8445/manager

A response sample:

  "project" : "azkaban-test-project",
  "nodes" : [ {
    "id" : "test-final",
    "type" : "command",
    "in" : [ "test-job-3" ]
  }, {
    "id" : "test-job-start",
    "type" : "java"
  }, {
    "id" : "test-job-3",
    "type" : "java",
    "in" : [ "test-job-2" ]
  }, {
    "id" : "test-job-2",
    "type" : "java",
    "in" : [ "test-job-start" ]
  } ],
  "flow" : "test",
  "projectId" : 192

Fetch Executions of a Flow

Given a project name, and a certain flow, this API call provides a list of corresponding executions. Those executions are sorted in descendent submit time order. Also parameters are expected to specify the start index and the length of the list. This is originally used to handle pagination.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=fetchFlowExecutions
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=fetchFlowExecutions The fixed parameter indicating the fetchFlowExecutions action.
project The project name to be fetched.
flow The flow id to be fetched.
start The start index(inclusive) of the returned list.
length The max length of the returned list. For example, if the start index is 2, and the length is 10, then the returned list will include executions of indices: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].

Response Object

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "session.id=6c96e7d8-4df5-470d-88fe-259392c09eea&ajax=fetchFlowExecutions&project=azkaban-test-project&flow=test&start=0&length=3" https://localhost:8443/manager

A response sample:

  "executions" : [ {
    "startTime" : 1407779928865,
    "submitUser" : "1",
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "submitTime" : 1407779928829,
    "execId" : 306,
    "projectId" : 192,
    "endTime" : 1407779950602,
    "flowId" : "test"
  }, {
    "startTime" : 1407779877807,
    "submitUser" : "1",
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "submitTime" : 1407779877779,
    "execId" : 305,
    "projectId" : 192,
    "endTime" : 1407779899599,
    "flowId" : "test"
  }, {
    "startTime" : 1407779473354,
    "submitUser" : "1",
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "submitTime" : 1407779473318,
    "execId" : 304,
    "projectId" : 192,
    "endTime" : 1407779495093,
    "flowId" : "test"
  } ],
  "total" : 16,
  "project" : "azkaban-test-project",
  "length" : 3,
  "from" : 0,
  "flow" : "test",
  "projectId" : 192

Fetch Running Executions of a Flow

Given a project name and a flow id, this API call fetches only executions that are currently running.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=getRunning
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=getRunning The fixed parameter indicating the getRunning action.
project The project name to be fetched.
flow The flow id to be fetched.

Response Object

Parameter Description
execIds A list of execution ids fetched. Example values: [301, 302, 111, 999]

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "session.id=34ba08fd-5cfa-4b65-94c4-9117aee48dda&ajax=getRunning&project=azkaban-test-project&flow=test" https://localhost:8443/executor

A response sample:

  "execIds": [301, 302]

Execute a Flow

This API executes a flow via an ajax call, supporting a rich selection of different options. Running an individual job can also be achieved via this API by disabling all other jobs in the same flow.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=executeFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Response Object

Parameter Description
error Error message if the call has failed
flow The executed flow id
execid The execution id

Here is a curl command example:

curl -k --get --data 'session.id=189b956b-f39f-421e-9a95-e3117e7543c9' --data 'ajax=executeFlow' --data 'project=azkaban-test-project' --data 'flow=test' https://localhost:8443/executor

Sample response:

  message: "Execution submitted successfully with exec id 295",
  project: "foo-demo",
  flow: "test",
  execid: 295

Cancel a Flow Execution

Given an execution id, this API call cancels a running flow. If the flow is not running, it will return an error message.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=cancelFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=cancelFlow The fixed parameter indicating the current ajax action is cancelFlow.
execid The execution id.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "session.id=34ba08fd-5cfa-4b65-94c4-9117aee48dda&ajax=cancelFlow&execid=302" https://localhost:8443/executor

A response sample if succeeds:

{ }

A response sample if fails:

  "error" : "Execution 302 of flow test isn't running."

Schedule a period-based Flow (Deprecated)

This API call schedules a period-based flow.

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=scheduleFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=scheduleFlow The fixed parameter indicating the action is to schedule a flow.
projectName The name of the project.
projectId The id of the project. You can find this with Fetch Flows of a Project.
flowName The name of the flow.
scheduleTime(with timezone) The time to schedule the flow. Example: 12,00,pm,PDT (Unless UTC is specified, Azkaban will take current server’s default timezone instead)
scheduleDate The date to schedule the flow. Example: 07/22/2014
is_recurring=on (optional) Flags the schedule as a recurring schedule.
period (optional)

Specifies the recursion period. Depends on the “is_recurring” flag being set. Example: 5w Possible Values:

M Months
w Weeks
d Days
h Hours
m Minutes
s Seconds

Here’s a curl command sample:

# a) One time schedule
curl -k https://HOST:PORT/schedule -d "ajax=scheduleFlow&projectName=PROJECT_NAME&flow=FLOW_NAME&projectId=PROJECT_ID&scheduleTime=12,00,pm,PDT&scheduleDate=07/22/2014" -b azkaban.browser.session.id=SESSION_ID

# b) Recurring schedule
curl -k https://HOST:PORT/schedule -d "ajax=scheduleFlow&is_recurring=on&period=5w&projectName=PROJECT_NAME&flow=FLOW_NAME&projectId=PROJECT_ID&scheduleTime=12,00,pm,PDT&scheduleDate=07/22/2014" -b azkaban.browser.session.id=SESSION_ID

An example success response:

  "message" : "PROJECT_NAME.FLOW_NAME scheduled.",
  "status" : "success"

An example failure response:

  "message" : "Permission denied. Cannot execute FLOW_NAME",
  "status" : "error"

An example failure response for invalid schedule period:

  "message" : "PROJECT_NAME.FLOW_NAME scheduled.",
  "error" : "Invalid schedule period unit 'A",
  "status" : "success"

Flexible scheduling using Cron

This API call schedules a flow by a cron Expression. Cron is a UNIX tool that has been widely used for a long time, and we use Quartz library to parse cron Expression. All cron schedules follow the timezone defined in azkaban web server (the timezone ID is obtained by java.util.TimeZone.getDefault().getID()).

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=scheduleCronFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=scheduleCronFlow The fixed parameter indicating the action is to use cron to schedule a flow.
projectName The name of the project.
flow The name of the flow.
cronExpression A CRON expression is a string comprising 6 or 7 fields separated by white space that represents a set of times. In azkaban, we use Quartz Cron Format.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k -d ajax=scheduleCronFlow -d projectName=wtwt -d flow=azkaban-training --data-urlencode cronExpression="0 23/30 5,7-10 ? * 6#3" -b "azkaban.browser.session.id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" http://localhost:8081/schedule

An example success response:

  "message" : "PROJECT_NAME.FLOW_NAME scheduled.",
  "scheduleId" : SCHEDULE_ID,
  "status" : "success"

An example failure response:

  "message" : "Cron expression must exist.",
  "status" : "error"
  "message" : "Permission denied. Cannot execute FLOW_NAME",
  "status" : "error"

An example failure response for invalid cron expression:

  "message" : "This expression <*****> can not be parsed to quartz cron.",
  "status" : "error"

Fetch a Schedule

Given a project id and a flow id, this API call fetches the schedule.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=fetchSchedule
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=fetchSchedule The fixed parameter indicating the schedule.
projectId The id of the project.
flowId The name of the flow.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "session.id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX&ajax=fetchSchedule&projectId=1&flowId=test" http://localhost:8081/schedule

An example success response:

  "schedule" : {
    "cronExpression" : "0 * 9 ? * *",
    "nextExecTime" : "2017-04-01 09:00:00",
    "period" : "null",
    "submitUser" : "azkaban",
    "executionOptions" : {
      "notifyOnFirstFailure" : false,
      "notifyOnLastFailure" : false,
      "failureEmails" : [ ],
      "successEmails" : [ ],
      "pipelineLevel" : null,
      "queueLevel" : 0,
      "concurrentOption" : "skip",
      "mailCreator" : "default",
      "memoryCheck" : true,
      "flowParameters" : {
      "failureAction" : "FINISH_CURRENTLY_RUNNING",
      "failureEmailsOverridden" : false,
      "successEmailsOverridden" : false,
      "pipelineExecutionId" : null,
      "disabledJobs" : [ ]
    "scheduleId" : "3",
    "firstSchedTime" : "2017-03-31 11:45:21"

If there is no schedule, empty response returns.


Unschedule a Flow

This API call unschedules a flow.

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /schedule?action=removeSched
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
action=removeSched The fixed parameter indicating the action is to unschedule a flow.
scheduleId The id of the schedule. You can find this in the Azkaban UI on the /schedule page.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k https://HOST:PORT/schedule -d "action=removeSched&scheduleId=SCHEDULE_ID" -b azkaban.browser.session.id=SESSION_ID

An example success response:

  "message" : "flow FLOW_NAME removed from Schedules.",
  "status" : "success"

An example failure response:

  "message" : "Schedule with ID SCHEDULE_ID does not exist",
  "status" : "error"

Set a SLA

This API call sets a SLA.

  • Method: POST
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=setSla
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k -d "ajax=setSla&scheduleId=1&slaEmails=a@example.com;b@example.com&settings[0]=aaa,SUCCESS,5:00,true,false&settings[1]=bbb,SUCCESS,10:00,false,true" -b "azkaban.browser.session.id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "http://localhost:8081/schedule"

An example success response:


An example failure response:

  "error" : "azkaban.scheduler.ScheduleManagerException: Unable to parse duration for a SLA that needs to take actions!"

Fetch a SLA

Given a schedule id, this API call fetches the SLA.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /schedule?ajax=slaInfo
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "session.id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX&ajax=slaInfo&scheduleId=1" http://localhost:8081/schedule"

An example success response:

  "settings" : [ {
    "duration" : "300m",
    "rule" : "SUCCESS",
    "id" : "aaa",
    "actions" : [ "EMAIL" ]
  }, {
    "duration" : "600m",
    "rule" : "SUCCESS",
    "id" : "bbb",
    "actions" : [ "KILL" ]
  } ],
  "slaEmails" : [ "a@example.com", "b@example.com" ],
  "allJobNames" : [ "aaa", "ccc", "bbb", "start", "end" ]

Pause a Flow Execution

Given an execution id, this API pauses a running flow. If an execution has already been paused, it will not return any error; if an execution is not running, it will return an error message.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=pauseFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=pauseFlow The fixed parameter indicating the current ajax action is pauseFlow.
execid The execution id.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "session.id=34ba08fd-5cfa-4b65-94c4-9117aee48dda&ajax=pauseFlow&execid=303" https://localhost:8443/executor

A response sample (if succeeds, or pauseFlow is called multiple times):

{ }

A response sample (if fails, only when the flow is not actually running):

  "error" : "Execution 303 of flow test isn't running."

Resume a Flow Execution

Given an execution id, this API resumes a paused running flow. If an execution has already been resumed, it will not return any errors; if an execution is not running, it will return an error message.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=resumeFlow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=resumeFlow The fixed parameter indicating the current ajax action is resumeFlow.
execid The execution id.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "session.id=34ba08fd-5cfa-4b65-94c4-9117aee48dda&ajax=resumeFlow&execid=303" https://localhost:8443/executor

A response sample (if succeeds, or resumeFlow is called multiple times):

{ }

A response sample (if fails, only when the flow is not actually running):

  "error" : "Execution 303 of flow test isn't running."

Fetch a Flow Execution

Given an execution id, this API call fetches all the detailed information of that execution, including a list of all the job executions.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=fetchexecflow
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=fetchexecflow The fixed parameter indicating the fetchexecflow action.
execid The execution id to be fetched.

Response Object

It returns detailed information about the execution (check the example below). One thing to notice is that the field nodes[i].in actually indicates what are the dependencies of this node.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "session.id=34ba08fd-5cfa-4b65-94c4-9117aee48dda&ajax=fetchexecflow&execid=304" https://localhost:8443/executor

A response sample:

  "attempt" : 0,
  "submitUser" : "1",
  "updateTime" : 1407779495095,
  "status" : "FAILED",
  "submitTime" : 1407779473318,
  "projectId" : 192,
  "flow" : "test",
  "endTime" : 1407779495093,
  "type" : null,
  "nestedId" : "test",
  "startTime" : 1407779473354,
  "id" : "test",
  "project" : "test-azkaban",
  "nodes" : [ {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407779495077,
    "id" : "test",
    "updateTime" : 1407779495077,
    "status" : "CANCELLED",
    "nestedId" : "test",
    "type" : "command",
    "endTime" : 1407779495077,
    "in" : [ "test-foo" ]
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407779473357,
    "id" : "test-bar",
    "updateTime" : 1407779484241,
    "status" : "SUCCEEDED",
    "nestedId" : "test-bar",
    "type" : "pig",
    "endTime" : 1407779484236
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407779484240,
    "id" : "test-foobar",
    "updateTime" : 1407779495073,
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "nestedId" : "test-foobar",
    "type" : "java",
    "endTime" : 1407779495068,
    "in" : [ "test-bar" ]
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407779495069,
    "id" : "test-foo",
    "updateTime" : 1407779495069,
    "status" : "CANCELLED",
    "nestedId" : "test-foo",
    "type" : "java",
    "endTime" : 1407779495069,
    "in" : [ "test-foobar" ]
  } ],
  "flowId" : "test",
  "execid" : 304

Fetch Execution Job Logs

Given an execution id and a job id, this API call fetches the corresponding job logs. The log text can be quite large sometimes, so this API call also expects the parameters offset and length to be specified.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=fetchExecJobLogs
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=fetchExecJobLogs The fixed parameter indicating the fetchExecJobLogs action.
execid The unique id for an execution.
jobId The unique id for the job to be fetched.
offset The offset for the log data.
length The length of the log data. For example, if the offset set is 10 and the length is 1000, the returned log will starts from the 10th character and has a length of 1000 (less if the remaining log is less than 1000 long).

Response Object

Parameter Description
data The text data of the logs.
offset The offset for the log data.
length The length of the log data.

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "session.id=9089beb2-576d-47e3-b040-86dbdc7f523e&ajax=fetchExecJobLogs&execid=297&jobId=test-foobar&offset=0&length=100" https://localhost:8443/executor

A response sample:

  "data" : "05-08-2014 16:53:02 PDT test-foobar INFO - Starting job test-foobar at 140728278",
  "length" : 100,
  "offset" : 0

Fetch Flow Execution Updates

This API call fetches the updated information for an execution. It filters by lastUpdateTime which only returns job information updated afterwards.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /executor?ajax=fetchexecflowupdate
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=fetchexecflowupdate The fixed parameter indicating the fetch execution updates action.
execid The execution id.
lastUpdateTime The criteria to filter by last update time. Set the value to be -1 if all job information are needed.

Response Object

Parameter Description
id The flow id.
flow The flow name.
startTime The start time of this flow execution.
updateTime The last updated time of this flow execution.
endTime The end time of this flow execution (if it finishes).
status The current status of the flow.
attempt The attempt number of this flow execution.

Information for each execution job. Containing the following fields:

  "attempt": String,
  "startTime": Number,
  "id": String (the job id),
  "status": String,
  "endTime": Number

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --data "execid=301&lastUpdateTime=-1&session.id=6668c180-efe7-46a-8dd2-e36508b440d8" https://localhost:8443/executor?ajax=fetchexecflowupdate

A response sample:

  "id" : "test",
  "startTime" : 1407778382894,
  "attempt" : 0,
  "status" : "FAILED",
  "updateTime" : 1407778404708,
  "nodes" : [ {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407778404683,
    "id" : "test",
    "updateTime" : 1407778404683,
    "status" : "CANCELLED",
    "endTime" : 1407778404683
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407778382913,
    "id" : "test-job-1",
    "updateTime" : 1407778393850,
    "status" : "SUCCEEDED",
    "endTime" : 1407778393845
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407778393849,
    "id" : "test-job-2",
    "updateTime" : 1407778404679,
    "status" : "FAILED",
    "endTime" : 1407778404675
  }, {
    "attempt" : 0,
    "startTime" : 1407778404675,
    "id" : "test-job-3",
    "updateTime" : 1407778404675,
    "status" : "CANCELLED",
    "endTime" : 1407778404675
  } ],
  "flow" : "test",
  "endTime" : 1407778404705

Fetch Logs of a Project

Given a project name, this API call fetches all logs of a project.

  • Method: GET
  • Request URL: /manager?ajax=fetchProjectLogs
  • Parameter Location: Request Query String

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
session.id The user session id.
ajax=fetchProjectLogs The fixed parameter indicating the fetchProjectLogs action.
project The project name to be fetched.

Response Object

Parameter Description
project The project name.
projectId The numerical id of the project.
columns “user”, “time”, “type”, “message” columns

Array of log data Example values: [ [ “test_user”,

1540885820913, “PROPERTY_OVERRIDE”, “some description” ],

[ … ], [ … ], ]

Here’s a curl command sample:

curl -k --get --data "session.id=6c96e7d8-4df5-470d-88fe-259392c09eea&ajax=fetchProjectLogs&project=azkaban-test-project" https://localhost:8443/manager

A response sample:


“columns” : [ “user”, “time”, “type”, “message” ], “logData” : [

[ “test_user1”, 1543615522936, “PROPERTY_OVERRIDE”, “Modified Properties: …. ” ], [ “test_user2”, 1542346639933, “UPLOADED”, “Uploaded project files zip ” ], [ “test_user3”, 1519908889338, “CREATED”, null ], …

], “project” : “azkaban-test-project”, “projectId” : 1


Image Management APIs

Image Management API